In memory of my mother
Mila Granic

In memory of my mother <br>Mila Granic
In memory of my mother, Mila Granic
(February 18, 1941-December 20, 1995)
I support OCC(Ovarian Cancer Canada)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Single People Punished(Financially) When It Comes to Rent

While I'm one of the lucky ones who has a good-paying job I've had for over 20-years(I started at minimum wage way back when), that it would take me 5-weeks to save for first and last month's rent, that's besides the point.

There's an apartment building near me.

1-bedroom $865/month

2-bedroom $980/month (with 2 people sharing it's $490 each).

(and the price of rent isn't just limited to this one apartment nearby).

So, if you can't find a roommate(I gave up looking), you're punished financially for being single. That's just not right! Besides I'm sick and tired of living in basement apartments and it's time for a change.

The Canadian government at all levels(federal, provincial and municipal)should all be ashamed of themselves!

Yeah, they talk a good game about affordable housing.

But that's all it is. Talk. And a game with them as to which level of government is going to look like they care more.

Yet I don't see them doing anything to make sure people can afford a 1-bedroom apartment(most people can't).

They should be, but knowing politicians, I doubt even one of them is ashamed that in a very nice country like Canada they haven't done a damn thing to have affordable housing for people.

It's long overdue for them to stop talking and actually get off their asses and do something about it!

But knowing the track record of the federal, provincial and municipal governments in Canada I won't hold my breath.

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