In memory of my mother
Mila Granic

In memory of my mother <br>Mila Granic
In memory of my mother, Mila Granic
(February 18, 1941-December 20, 1995)
I support OCC(Ovarian Cancer Canada)

Friday, September 25, 2009

My Citizen Journalism Website...Not Yet But Hopefully Soon

"It's Official!"

Well, not yet but I am impatiently waiting to say "it's official!" and that I'm a Citizen Journalist. Unfortunately it won't be a paid position but it'll prove to everyone I'm damn serious about wanting to hear from you(celebrity or not). And hopefully in time it'll prove to various online media I'm sincere in what I say.

Once I get off this shift(may be next month or may be next year...I have no idea when), I'll still be full-time but at least with dayshift I'll be able to attend events to write about them.

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to go about this(call it an Online Newspaper if you will) and if you have any ideas feel free to suggest something. I'll also be looking for others to contribute news, events, or just your opinion on any topic. Yes there will be Guest Bloggers as well as regular contributors.

Why don't I start it now? Would love to but my creativity has gone completely since this shift. My best creativity and inspiration comes to me when I work days and sleep nights. If I start the Citizen Journalism/Online Newspaper site now it won't be good and I don't want it to be half-assed. That's why I'm waiting. Impatiently.

Remember if you have any suggestions let me know. Email me jbgranich[at}gmail[dot]com(of course where the "at" is substitute that with the "at" symbol(@)and where it says "dot" replace it with the proper dot.(would love to write the email properly but knowing spambots have no choice but to do it like this. So remember the email to get ahold of me is jbgranich[at]gmail[dot]com.

P.S. It won't just be limited to Mississauga, Toronto, Brampton and Oakville. Also the goings on in New York and Los Angeles plus numerous other places. And I'll phone or email people. Getting ahold of them may be the difficult part but it's worth a shot to ask them what needs asking.

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